Tag Archives: bdsm vanilla

Saying i Won’t

25 Mar

Yesterday, i told my “you gotta get back on the horse” story.  For sure, that was a lesson i learned well, not just that day, but all through my growing up.  My mother didn’t accept “i can’t.”  She just didn’t.  “If there’s a will, there’s a way,” could have been her motto.

And that was a good thing.  That’s part of how i developed the competence that MoR says i have too much of for my own good.   Part of what made me a survivor.

In a very sweet email the other day, MoR said, among other things, that i, “never say can’t,” and “never say die,” – he says i “keep chugging along.”   And of course he’s right.  Yes.  i do.

Probably we all do, we subs…

You know, Where-i-Work is a little bit crazy sometimes.  {Yes, that might be an understatement.  And i don’t mean our clients.}  Sometimes, it seems like we’re  playing a huge game of twister.  One minute, we’ve gotten everything more or less under control – and then they spin the wheel again.

“Right foot on red,” they say.

And we’re all struggling to move our right foot.  Um, feet.  Whatever.

You may notice there aren’t any red spaces in the picture to put your right foot on.  When that happens, i send someone out for red paint, and we figure out which ones to paint red.  i feel a little like Alice in Wonderland, never sure if there were already supposed to be red spaces or if everyone else is rushing out to buy paint too.

And i’m good at it, directing and suggesting and coming up with plans on how to do it, how to make things work.  Frigging competent. 

A few years ago, someone pointed out to me that maybe that’s not always helpful.  That maybe i’m just enabling a broken system to limp on.  That maybe the system needs to break down, maybe i need to say, “No, we can’t do that, won’t even try to make that work.”

It was a novel concept for me.  My brain froze ~ i tried to process it.


It could be better to say we can’t make something work?  Can’t find a way to deal with it, cope with it, manage it, make frigging lemonade with it?  

That’s some kind of sacrilege!

It was years ago they said that, and i still stumble over the idea from time to time.   The possiblity that “i think i can” isn’t always the best attitude in every circumstance.

That sometimes, “Hell, no, i’m not getting back on that horse!” is a better response.

i still won’t say “i can’t.”  In my world, “i can’t” is reserved for “flying without an airplane,” or “spinning straw into gold.”  Everything else that we’re not gonna do is “i won’t.”

And i’d rather say “i won’t” then “i can’t.”  Can’t implies  weakness, and a challenge for me ~ but of course i can! 

“i won’t” is the other half of strength ~ a whole different experience.

JM, the amazing analyst, says that in the second half of life we learn the opposite side of the lessons we learned in the first half.   So if i spent 50 years learning to be competent, now i need to learn to let go of being competent all the time, to seek help, to say, “i won’t.”  If i were already good at saying “i can’t” and seeking help, then i would need to find my own competence.

So where am i going with this post?  i have no idea.  i just felt an urge to write it, so here it is.

i think i need to write some  fantasies tomorrow, before my libido completely atrophies.  Between Sin’s story she wrote for her Master, which was uber-hot, and yesthankyousir, who’s also been starting some fires at her place, i should be able to find some inspiration.  Something to jump start my own heat.

Stay tuned…


19 Mar

No, not that kind of quickie!

Just don’t have much time this morning.  i should get someone to do my posts for me, like Mick does over at UCTMW…  {laughing}

Ok, maybe i have had some terrific guest posts lately.  i’m not complaining.

i went to drumming circle last night – it’s been ages since i did that and i’ve missed it…  Here’s a picture of a drum like mine:

And here’s a clip of a drumming circle that looks and sounds a lot like the one i go to – except for the fire – we weren’t outside.  Also there aren’t people talking in the background.  But the drumming sounds the same.   Press here.

It made me feel so wonderful, even though i was out of practice, and there weren’t a whole lot of us there.  But it was still – it’s a little bit like playing in the kink sense, cause you’re in the moment and you can lose track of yourself and be more aware of yourself at the same time.

Anyhow.  It made me wonder if i’m  acting like a teenager, being all caught up in kink and Doms and stuff  – not that i don’t have the rest of my life, but maybe i just need to add more things like drumming to my life.

So i’m going to a spring equinox celebration tonight, i think.  That should be fun too.

i’m excited about how many people are interested in coming to the bloggers convention, and will sit down and try to figure out if there’s an optimal time.  Regardless of what date we pick, there’s an open invitation to any of you if you want to come visit.  Every first weekend, there’s a munch and play party, if you’re interested in that.  So as far as i’m concerned, we could have a mini bloggers convention every month!

 On that note – time to go. 

O – wait – big news – MoR has bought a house.  At least it sounds like it’s all final – still has to be inspected, but contracts are signed.  So that’s very cool, and i’m so happy for him!


11 Mar

i feel tension in my body every minute of the day, unless i become aware of it and relax.  Which is “normal” i suppose, but sometimes more than others.  i’m intensely aware of it now,  particularly in my face.  As if a frown has settled into me, and i have to conciously work to erase it.

Still feeling kind of angst-y – and sick of it. 

Oatmeal Girl  posted a beautiful piece from youtube about unions, which i re-posted on my fb page.  It reminded me of this, which i posted too:


“I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night” by Pete Seger…

And i think of all the things going on in the world, or even in my piece of the world, and i feel overwhelmed.

MoR and i keep missing each other online, so i’m bored, and lonesome.  He’s busy with His house hunting and his son, and i get that.  But still… i’m bored and lonesome.

i am too scattered.  My focus is all over the place – way too much going on – and i’m not finishing anything.  

i’ve decided i need to make a chart for work so i can figure out what i’m supposed to be doing on any given day.   Seriously.  i don’t know where my priorities are and so i waste a bunch of time trying to figure out what i need to do next.

And maybe a chart for home too.   Here, i just get lost on the computer, lost in e-mail and fb and blogworld.  Then i look up and hours have gone by.  i can’t even remember the things that i had intended to do…

So i can spend a bunch of time making a bunch of charts and then ignore it all.

i started this fast for Lent – some friends of mine are doing a real extreme version – juice only for 3 days, raw fruit and veggies for 3, and not processed foods for 3, or something like that.  i’m not going that extreme. 

But i am fasting, and that feels good, like i’m shedding some excess – omigod, Donna – some excess crap…  sheesh.  {See Donna’s comment from earlier this week on my post with the fantasy with the enema here.}


So.  i’m not changing the world – i saw a great line –

“Activism seems more like Act-As-If-ism. People go and protest this or that and act as if they care, but then go back to life as usual’.
Jeff Aicken, The Galling Lama 

Well, that’s me. Except i’m not even managing my “life as usual” in my own best interests very well.  For example, i’ve let almost a week go by without billing for some “extra-pay” work i do for my employer – that’s just silly. 

AND i could be doing it right now.  But clearly, i’m not.

Sigh…  i’ll have to add a new “category” for angst, as much of it as i’ve been doing.

More iphone

3 Feb

My computer is still in the shop so I’m working from my iPhone . Actually I’m dictating from my handy dragon dictation service which is pretty cool.

I didn’t get to respond to comments yesterday because I only had my iPhone to work with but I wanted to get back to Sin at least and let her know that Louisa May Alcott wrote many books besides Little Women and Little Men. Two of my favorites are Rose In Bloom and An Old Fashioned Girl. She also wrote a number of “lurid novels” just like Jo did in the book Little Women. They are all still in print.

So really this is an experiment to see if I can dictate my blog post. But there’s something about sitting down at the keyboard and actually touching the keys that seems to free my mind for more intimate information.

I don’t know that I can achieve that same result dictating.

Maybe tonight after I get through with everything else I have to do I’ll run to the library and type a real post with some excitement.

Have been reading other peoples blogs on my iPhone but am having trouble leaving comments so don’t think that I’ve forgotten you all. And I’ll be back for sure by Saturday.